
Here at the tsayatoh chapter, we offer financial aid for both spring and fall semesters

Opening and Closing Dates for Spring and Fall Semester


Opening Date: 1st of July

Deadline Date: Last Friday of July


Opening Date: 1st of December

Deadline Date: Last Friday of December


  1. Student must be registered with Tsayatoh Chapter for six (6) months, or if under the age of 18 years old, a parent or guardian must be a registered voter for six (6) months prior to applying. (When the student turns 18, they have 10 days to register to vote and be eligible to apply without six (6) months)

  2. Must be enrolled FULL TIME or PART TIME in an accredited college, university, vocational institution, or technical school.

  3. Must be a member of the Navajo Nation with a census.


  • Accurately completed Chapter Scholarship Application

  • Social Security Card

  • Census Number (CIB)

  • Chapter Voter Registration

  • Original High School or College Transcript (Note: If Transcript is submitted online through the accredited college/university it needs to be in by the scholarship application)

  • Class Schedule

  • Letter of Acceptance from the college/university (Note: for current semester)

  • Photo Identification

Award Amounts